Network Modeling for Epidemics @ SISMID 2024

Our Network Modeling for Epidemics (NME) summer course joins SISMID starting 2024

The EpiModel Team


December 15, 2023

Starting in Summer 2024, our annual Network Modeling for Epidemics (NME) course officially joins the Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID). SISMID is also moving to Emory University in Atlanta in 2024 (in person only). NME will be offered as a one-module (2.5 day) course for 2024. The course dates will be July 24-26.

As in past years, NME will continue to focus on the motivation for the network modeling framework using the statistical framework of temporal exponential graph models (TERGMs) featured in the Statnet suite of R packages. NME first provides hands-on tutorials on fitting network models relevant for complex infectious disease contacts, including evolving contact networks of forming and dissolving links. We then focus on layering individual-based epidemic models on top of dynamic simulated networks, all using the EpiModel software platform.

We will have more details on the specifics of the course, including prerequisites and preparation materials in early 2024. Details on registering for SISMID, including the NME module, can be found on the main SIDMID website.